Brewing began to take over my life in 1990. I quickly went to all grain and have had fun with it ever since. |
Here's the basic system. The upper container is a 10 gallon SS vacuum jacketed beverage container fitted with an EZ Masher. It makes a great mash/lauter tun and holds the temps quite well. To the right is a Sanke keg with the top cut off for a boiling kettle atop a Brinkman 30-170K BTU burner. The last container to the right is another beverage container, this one is 5 gallons and holds the heated sparge water. |
A detachable shelf can be mounted to provide a work surface. |
I use a Corona mill powered by my son for grain grinding. A drill and drywall mud mixer make short work of mixing the grain and strike water. |
Once the mash is going the sparge water is heated and pumped to the holding tank I use a magnetically coupled pump for moving the liquids and a ball valve on the outlet side controls the flow. |
To supply power I use a surface mounted light switch and dual outlet. I wired it so a double male ended extension cord provides power to the outlet that the pump is plugged into. The light switch turns the pump on and off. |
With the mash done sparge water is pulled from the bottom outlet of the hot water tank and pumped up to the mash tun. I currently have a cheap shower head attached to the end of the hose for spraying the sparge water onto the grain bed. |
Recirculation with the EZ Masher is quick and painless, it only takes about 2 qts. A hose with an attached copper tube is used to direct the run off wort to the bottom of the kettle to reduce aeration. |
An immersion chiller cools the wort after the boil. The run off is directed into a wheel barrow and the water is used for clean up or watering the garden. |
I allow the chilled wort to settle for an hour before transferring to the carboy. Here the hoses are being sanitized by circulating an iodophor solution. |
Happy yeast are a necessity! I normally step up my starters 3-4 times depending on the batch size and gravity. Here's a liter ready to pitch. |
Once the yeast is pitched an O2 tank makes quick work of oxygenation. |